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TypeScript typings for Stripe Webhook Events

· 4 min read

I'm working on a project that relies heavily on Stripe webhooks and while implementing the webhook handler, I noticed the lack of type safety increases the risk of error in my implementation. This could be something simple like misspelling the event name or trying to access the event's data.object fields incorrectly. For this reason, I built a way to generate typings for all webhook events to strongly type the event object.

TL;DR: Use the stripe-event-types package to strongly type your webhook event.

What's wrong with the Stripe.Event type?

The Event typings that are included in the stripe library have the following shortcomings:

  • The type field is a string type. The type field will store the event type name, for example charge.succeeded. At the time of writing this, there are 189 different event types. Not only would it improve developer experience, but it would also eliminate spelling errors if the type field had a string literal type.
  • The data.object field is a {} type. This requires you to cast to a Stripe resource type each time you want to access a data.object field, for example, as Stripe.Customer.

Strongly typing the event

With stronger typings, we could take advantage of type checking and type inference, for example:

// This should result in a type error if type that is enclosed in quotes is not valid
if (event.type === "charge.succeeded") {
// TypeScript should be able to infer the `object` type because of the `if` condition.
// In this case, `Stripe.Charge` is the inferred type.;

Creating the types

Creating typings that achieve the result above isn't difficult, but the challenge is how do we create the typings for all 189 events? And then how will we maintain them as changes are made to the Event API? Generate them!

By having a method to generate the types, we can regenerate them in the future as the API changes. So I went searching through Stripe's OpenAPI specification and docs to find an exhaustive list of event types and also information about the object type corresponding to each event type. I found that all this information is located in their Event API docs:

The image below shows what we need to scrape from each event type listed on their docs page in order to create types for it:

Stripe Docs Event API Scrape

I used Puppeteer to programatically navigate to the page, scrape the necessary data using DOM selectors, and then use the scraped data to generate all the typings.

If you're interested in seeing the script, it's located here:

At some point in the future, I may schedule the CI to run the generation script daily to do a diff with the existing typings file to automatically detect changes in their API.

Using the types

I distributed these typings through the stripe-event-types NPM package:

npm install stripe-event-types

When constructing the webhook event, cast it to Stripe.DiscriminatedEvent to strongly type the event.type and fields:

/// <reference types="stripe-event-types" />

const event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(
) as Stripe.DiscriminatedEvent;

Now when accessing the event.type and we have type checking and type inference!

Strongly Typed Event

In the example above, you can see that event.type must be a valid event type name, otherwise it will result in a type error. The condition in the if statement allows for type inference. In this case, is inferred to be a Stripe.Charge object because the type name will be charge.captured.

Thanks for reading and now go implement your webhook handler with more confidence!